We had a nice week off from school but now it is back to reality. I found a character study on a blog that I am reading and really thought 2011 should start with a focus on my girls' character. I chose Obedience for our first study. The girls are memorizing psalm 119:11 and even Dragonfly can recite it. This is a five day study and tonight we completed day 2. I have enjoyed reading the passages of the Bible to the girls and discussing the blessing of obedience and the consequences for disobedience. There is a challenge each day...obey even when nobody else is obeying is what we are focusing on right now. After yesterday's reading the girls made the cards above. They will choose where it is most important to them to hang them. They will be a reminder to them that the character of obedience is important.
You can find these studies by clicking Here.
So, Hubby printed this out at work, and we are going to start it tomorrow. Wish me luck!
We have not done well the last two nights. I got through 3 of the 5 on obedience. The girls were way too tired when they got home from school today to talk to them about anything of importance. But I am sticking to "do what I say or there will be consequences for disobedience". A lot of work in the short term for major positive outcomes in the future.
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