Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 6

Wish I could say we were settling into a good routine by now but we are still smoothing out the rough edges. It is hard to keep things consistent with visitors, fun classes/camps, and daddy having a few days off. What I have managed to fit in is my one on one time with Dragonfly. For the first few days, I had to spend so much time with the big girls that Dragonfly just did centers during the day. Now she has her own time with mommy. She is currently working on her preschool curriculum book. I also picked up Phonic Pathways after having it recommended and someone posting it for sale online.

 Dragonfly is doing very well with this book. We made it through all the vowels and today we were working on blending S with each vowel. She didn't do too bad with blends for her first time but she will certainly need some more work.
 PF was the only big kid for so long home schooling that she is finding more students to be distracting to her. I am kinda surprised since this past year she had 25 classmates. Today, I found her in her own little fort.
I do love the moments when sisters teach each other. Here Butterfly is teaching Dragonfly how to put the puzzle of the USA together.

1 comment:

Sennie said...

I'm so glad I found your blog through the Hop. Looks like you have many neat things you do with your girls.