During the summer, we are rarely found wearing socks. Well we prefer to go without shoes too! During the winter, its another story. By the end of the winter there are a lot of socks that need to be matched up. So we always take a day and sort and match up each of the pairs. This time Ladybug wanted to have the job. She took it upon herself to show Dragonfly which piles to put each sock in. They divided them into colors and then I showed Ladybug how to fold the socks together. It was so sweet to see Ladybug teaching Dragonfly. She was so patient with her and they had a good time together. This is how things should be, older sisters teaching their younger ones. This is why homeschooling is so important. It allows time for a family to grow together and support one another.
It has been hard to miss these experiences this year but I know we will be a better family by going through the challenges of this year. Summer will be extra special!!!
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