Monday, April 13, 2009

Mount Vernon

It was windy!

We took a field trip to Mount Vernon. The property is wonderful and their museum is awesome. PF is learning Americian History so this is an excellent place to go to reinforce what she is learning hands on.

Easter Baskets

My mom came up last week. She always brings something for the girls to work on. This time it was Easter baskets made with fabric. They weaved different fabric strips around the paper model. I realized I didn't take a picture of the final product so I will add that later.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Egg Painting

Butterfly made an egg painting in art class. Don't ask me why she is making the face she is.

Heart Jello

since we were working on the heart today and ladybug needed something to occupy her time while PF did her projects, I decided to let Ladybug make red jello that we could cut out little hearts from.

Respiratory and Cardiovascular systems

cut out of the lungs and trachea.

homemade stethoscope.

model of the blood being pumped from the heart to the body and back to the heart.

making blood

a model of the lungs and diaphragm

testing out how much air is expelled during exhalation.
Today PF and I worked on experiments for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. We had so much fun and learned while being hands on. The ideas for these experiments came from the Noeo curriculum we used for science.